Puppy protocol

I don't work with a waitinglist. I already noticed people like to shop around. I had people tell me they want to wait for this combination, and would love to have a puppy from me. but still shopped somewhere else, and didn't notify me.
This is why i work with a puppy form, If you are interested in a pup from my kennel, i invite you to fill it in. This form already gives me a picture of you, what you are looking for and what kind of puppy fits you. 

When the time is there i will send everyone an email, that the puppies are on their way. These people can than react if they are still interested in a pup from that litter, or a later litter or not interested at all.

The people that are still interested will get a call to set a date when we can meet. For people abroad we can arrange a videocall.

This doesn't mean you're guaranteed a puppy from that litter!

The pups will be:
- Vaccinated according the vacinationscheme
- Every 2 weeks dewormed
- Chipped by raad van beheer
- Registered at raad van beheer and they will get a pedigree
- Tested with Embark
- Sold under contract with different agreements

The pups can leave between 8 and 15 weeks. This depents from different factors