Watson and Sherlock are my two Pembroke Welsh corgi's
Watson was born on December 10th 2020, and comes from a person that sometimes has a litter, with all the healthtests and pedigree. When i saw the litter announcement I fell in love with the mom, she was a tricolor natural bobtail that wasn't too big. So I wrote a message to the breeder. When the pups were 2 weeks old I got a message, if i was still interested in a pup. There was 1 tricolor male left with a natural bobtail. And I was sold the minute i met him.
Through Watson I got into the "corgiworld", I started doing dogshows, and wanted to help better the breed. I was a fan of Pembroke Welsh corgi's from when I was little. And Watson only made it worse. Unfortunateley I see some problems in the breed, and i would like to help.
Sherlock was born on the 20th of January 2022, in Italy. I was looking for a female from different lines, that weren't really present in the Netherlands. Then i saw the litter announcement from "the Pearl of Tabula Rasa kennel" in Italy. She did the healthtests, and i messaged her that i was interested in a female, to breed later on if she would pass her health testing. A little bit later i was told she had a female available for me and i went to pick her up personally. Because even though everything looked great on pictures etc. I would like to see the parents their temperament and how she was.
The parents were so sweet really open and lovely characters and Sherlock was just the sweetest little pup. The ride home went amazing she slept most of the time and wasn't bothered by the long ride.
More about them like health tests, achievements and showresults you see at their individual pages.